Application Process
We take applications and conduct tours throughout the year. We have an open door policy however we ask that
you do not schedule visits or show up during 12pm-2pm, only because this is the children's nap time and we do not wish to
disturb them. If we are full and you wish to enroll your child when there is an opening we do have a waiting list. Names on
the waiting list are updated and available on-line. These people will be called before a walk in. I am sure you can understand
Please remember to go see your child's Dr before they are enrolled. They will need the blue and yellow forms that your
Dr gives you for each child. These forms are their immunization records and health certificate. The Immunazation records are
needed their first day but you have 30 days to provide the health record form. Also once again please remember to bring a
current Drivers Liscense or state issued ID for you that shows your current address. I look forward to meeting you and your